REACH registrations.
Need a REACH registration? Nearly all chemical substances being produced or imported into Europe, need to be registered at European Chemicals Agency (ECHA): so called REACH-registrations. Special software is required and many data need to be submitted according to specified rules. If something is not entirely correct, according to the prescriptions of ECHA, an error message results and the registration cannot be completed without going through the process again. In the meantime the substance may not be placed on the market.
The REACH-regulation is with around 500 pages already fairly complicated. The supplementary rules contained in thousands of pages in guidance documents published by ECHA, make it extremely difficult to do it yourself.
You can find more information on the EU-REACH regulation here and more on the process of REACH registration there.
Large companies can afford having an in house specialist. But companies who only have to deal with it occasionally , are dependent on external specialists. REACH Product Safety provides a solution to that problem
How to arrange a REACH-registration? Contact us.